About Geek Circus

My photo
Ontario, Canada
Our blog Geek Circus; Samantha & Dylan: Mother and Son team that mesh together their love/obsessions of Gaming, Comics,TV Series, Movies, Books, Collecting, Observations, Photos, T-shirts & Cats. Ramblings. Dylan: Artist,"Passionate" Gamer, Toy Collector, Storyteller, Aspiring Video/Photographer, 16 Dragonborn Paladin, Fanboy; Gamer videos. Samantha: Women geek out too! Journalistic tendencies. My writing has been geared towards Geek Culture, interests from my childhood influenced by 60s,70s,80s. What I enjoy the most about geek culture is meeting interesting people, and telling their stories. X-Files!!!!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Artist Feature: RUINed Pixels

RUINed Pixels is the creation of a multi-talented, artistic young lady named Airryn. Handmade bead sprites; Her pixel bead sprite art is inspired by gaming and other fantastic geek culture genres plus original custom designs. Airryn has many fantastic fun creations for you to purchase. Any avid collector can find something nostalgic or funky with many items catching the gamers fancy! Some items can be crafted into wearable jewelry. 

 "If you think it, I can create it! Always fusing something new." Commissions available upon request. 


I hope many of you had the opportunity to partake in Toronto ComiCon 14 and happen upon the RUINed Pixel table with other locally talented artists.

Contact info/website: ruinedpixels.com
And "LIKE" RUINed Pixels on facebook
