About Geek Circus

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Ontario, Canada
Our blog Geek Circus; Samantha & Dylan: Mother and Son team that mesh together their love/obsessions of Gaming, Comics,TV Series, Movies, Books, Collecting, Observations, Photos, T-shirts & Cats. Ramblings. Dylan: Artist,"Passionate" Gamer, Toy Collector, Storyteller, Aspiring Video/Photographer, 16 Dragonborn Paladin, Fanboy; Gamer videos. Samantha: Women geek out too! Journalistic tendencies. My writing has been geared towards Geek Culture, interests from my childhood influenced by 60s,70s,80s. What I enjoy the most about geek culture is meeting interesting people, and telling their stories. X-Files!!!!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Dylan's thoughts on Pacific Rim v.s. Godzilla

Better call favoritism on this one, Cause I love Godzilla. I grew up with him, granted I did do some research on both sides here, but mainly I'm just posting the bare bones of the matter not going into huge amounts of detail or anything, because it's pretty clear who would win!

Just clear things up,
The Giant Robots from Pacific Rim COULD NOT fight the new Godzilla, mainly because he's friggin GIA"FREAKING"GANTIC.

GODZILLA IS 350 FEET FUCKING TALL, The tallest "Jaegar" from Pacific Rim is 100 feet shorter, and while that may not seem that big, we aren't just measuring height, not weight, or length OR ANY OTHER POPPYCOCK, Because it would be a waste of time, any natural creature would have a body proportionate to it's mass, a tail to counter balance it's weight for example, I'm assuming that Godzilla weighs A LOT, so it would be natural to assume that his tail weighs A LOT, also implying that Godzilla is at leaf twice as heavy as a Jaegar….AT LEAST. Godzilla also has neigh Wolverine like Self-Healing, with sustained fights with creatures MUCH stronger than him being the only way to hurt him….HELL the Japanese Military shot a goddamned Black Hole at him, And guess what…..he lived. Now I'm not a sciency feller, but correct me if I'm wrong, but a Black Hole, aside from a Super Nova, is one of the most powerful forces in existence, STAB THAT WITH YOUR FANCY SWORD GYPSY DANGER! Not to mention, Godzilla also can shot ATOMIC FIRE from his mouth. In one of the last Godzilla Movies, it could be fired into space to destroy asteroids, and could kill other giant monsters in a single hit.

So with the basics (the bare bones basics,) in mind, who do you think would win?