About Geek Circus

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Ontario, Canada
Our blog Geek Circus; Samantha & Dylan: Mother and Son team that mesh together their love/obsessions of Gaming, Comics,TV Series, Movies, Books, Collecting, Observations, Photos, T-shirts & Cats. Ramblings. Dylan: Artist,"Passionate" Gamer, Toy Collector, Storyteller, Aspiring Video/Photographer, 16 Dragonborn Paladin, Fanboy; Gamer videos. Samantha: Women geek out too! Journalistic tendencies. My writing has been geared towards Geek Culture, interests from my childhood influenced by 60s,70s,80s. What I enjoy the most about geek culture is meeting interesting people, and telling their stories. X-Files!!!!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Super Sunday Shirt Selection 09/29/13 Breaking Bad!!!!!!

As us crazy fans of this AMAZING series know today is the LAST episode of Breaking Bad. Like most geeks I totally get invested in the characters and story lines of the series I follow. It has already been tough to say good-bye to a couple of characters I completely adored in the past seasons Breaking Bad, but now we have to say a FINAL farewell to them all. I have actually purposely not watched the last half of 5 season so I can prolong pain. At least that is what I have been telling myself.  Enjoy this Sundays selection, Bitch...

As Jesse would so eloquently put it :)

Heisenberg sketch by Old Skool Hooligans Tees

Jesse Pinkman. This beautiful t-shirt can be found on Ebay.com
One of the most iconic pictures of Walt and Jesse by ELaam on Redbubble
I love Gus and apparently everyone loved his chicken! My tribute to you Gustave, by Luv That Shirt

Hold each other tight, cause tonight we all become blubbering messes!! Say good -bye to one of the most iconic series EVER to hit TV. Jesse, Walt and the rest of the cast, TV will NEVER be the same again. Lights out. Bitch.

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