About Geek Circus

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Ontario, Canada
Our blog Geek Circus; Samantha & Dylan: Mother and Son team that mesh together their love/obsessions of Gaming, Comics,TV Series, Movies, Books, Collecting, Observations, Photos, T-shirts & Cats. Ramblings. Dylan: Artist,"Passionate" Gamer, Toy Collector, Storyteller, Aspiring Video/Photographer, 16 Dragonborn Paladin, Fanboy; Gamer videos. Samantha: Women geek out too! Journalistic tendencies. My writing has been geared towards Geek Culture, interests from my childhood influenced by 60s,70s,80s. What I enjoy the most about geek culture is meeting interesting people, and telling their stories. X-Files!!!!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Geek Girl; Comments on Geek Girl Hatred

Now that I have entered the media world of geek culture, I have found something quite upsetting. Hatred, by SOME towards nerd/geek women. Especially if you happen to be an attractive woman. Let me say I have made A LOT of positive connections in geek culture and continue to do so. But this behavior is shocking. I always felt this subculture was a safe haven for all us outcast fans of all genres to be in a "club", able to be free and open to express our love to other like minded people. But as it turns out, according to some men, you have to be male or a homely woman to be 'accepted' (not to mention a walking encyclopedia), AND follow other peoples ideas of what geek culture is to THEM. Not to YOU. My favorite: Most cos-play attractive women are whores and fake nerds. Really......

I feel a definition of the word whore is in order: 

Definition of WHORE
 noun \ˈhr, ˈhr\

1 a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman
2 a male who engages in sexual acts for money
3 a venal or unscrupulous person

Hey, that's odd. No where could I find the word whore associated to meaning fake nerd/geek/fangirl. You know who talks like that? Bullies. And that is what some of  you nerd/geek men are BULLIES! You have become the very people that picked on any of us as children, that were different individuals and non-conformist. Why is being a good looking woman a threat to geek culture?  Women make up a lot of the sci-fi fan base. For me, I don't want to see provokingly dressed women with big breasts, tiny waist, and round asses all the time. (You can't get away from men always sexualizing women) I want stories that are engaging, characters to care about, writing that keeps me interested. Oh. Is that the problem? Most of you men are so use to objectifying the female characters in your comics and stories and collecting your anatomically incorrect body image of a woman, you actually feel threaten and uncomfortable being around a good looking geek girl? That's YOUR issue. And that doesn't make a woman a whore (see definition above).

Growing up, my family could not afford a whole lot and I came from a broken home. It was my beloved characters, cartoons, toys and series that helped me escape my life and give me a sense of peace. We moved around a lot. I was the A typical awkward kid, didn't make friends and I wasn't always able to keep much. It wasn't until later in my life with my own family and home that I was able to start collecting my childhood loves to share with my children and really get the chance to dive into geek culture. So does that make me any less of a geek than YOU? I carry my fandom in my soul and DNA. I admire people who have been able to collect for years, go to Cons.  I have embraced my awkwardness at 40. I am very comfortable in my own skin. Just because I'm a woman I should not have to defend myself regarding geek culture and what it means to ME. So WHO decides what a REAL nerd/geek is? And to what degree of a fan do you have to be that qualifies any person as one? Is there a panel I have to consult, a questionnaire, broad of directors, Oracle, The Powers that Be, a DICTATOR??? I know this sounds funny and really it would be, if it wasn't so offensive to me and other females in geek culture.

Lets talk about how disgusting a lot of men (and even boys) are regarding women in general. You hide behind your computers, getting your 'keyboard courage' on and gaming headsets spewing hate, derogatory name calling, and horrifying threats. You are cowards! What is WRONG in your life, that you need to spread some hate? What do we as women take away from geek culture or gaming? Seriously, Haters. Stop hating.

I do agree that there are people out there who hop on the popularity bandwagon and for a fleeting moment they are "fans" too. This is nothing new. Its happens with EVERYTHING from music, movies, technology, fashion and pets. Those people get bored and move on to the next thing. And unfortunately that is how most of society is. Check your local animal shelter and see how many cats and dogs are surrenders by owners because they are not cute babies anymore and they got bored.......See that offends me MORE then the "fakers" and "posers" in geek culture. What about the 'jock' guys who have hopped on the Marvel train? Do you 'uber nerds' have issues with them? Are those 'jocks' whores too?

Look, we all know the people who are committed fans in geek culture. We are passionate about our characters, toys, movies, gaming, etc. They have left an imprint on our souls. What I don't think a lot of you men understand is how many of us geek girls get judged and made fun of by other women who have no understanding of geek culture. As I have said, I'm 40, I love my movies, books, toys and Cons. And through this I have made the most fantastic, interesting friends ever! I am not ashamed to talk about any of it.Yet I get the eye rolls and snickers or people change the subject on me. I use to think it was these 'normal' women who were the ones that were judging me, instead its some very unhappy men in geek culture.

I really don't understand all this hate. Why some of you men feel the need to decide what a REAL fangirl is. Why do you care? How does it affect you? I could go on about my life, my job, how it was ME that introduced my kids to geek culture, etc. But that would be like I'm trying to prove the authenticity of my geekness, to a group of people who already de-value me because I am a woman. And that would make your opinion seem like it matters in my life, when it really doesn't. What really bothers me is the small-minded pettiness of some that harbor out right hatred. Geek culture is the last place I thought I would find such bullshit.

And in reality this just shows that our culture actually does rule world. We geeks/nerds ARE the coolest kids in town. And we have the awesome toys to prove it!

Fight the Good Fight.

Two fantastic responses regarding "fake nerd girls":

More recent article:

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