Fringe: By J.J. Abrams, the series follows Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), and Walter Bishop (John Noble), members of a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security. The team uses "fringe" science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences, which are related to mysteries surrounding a parallel universe. Fringe ended its 5 year run this past January. It was such a satisfying ending, with no loose ends and closed everyones story lines. I love the lead cast and the amazing supporting actors as well. I will admit at times I was confused, but mostly I was enthralled by the storyline and Walter's wacky science that I remained committed and I was not disappointed with the pay off. Fringe you will be missed.
Ripper Street: By Richard Warlow, is a BBC TV series set in Whitechapel in London's East End in 1889, six months after the infamous Jack the Ripper murders. The series stars Matthew Macfadyen (Detective Inspector Edmund Reid), Jerome Flynn (Detective Sergeant Bennet Drake and Adam Rothenberg (Captain Homer Jackson). Premiered on 30 December 2012. Series 1 has already concluded with 8 episodes and will be back in 2014 for series 2. I very much enjoy this British series (and many others! I feel a Brit blog coming on!) and it has helped me get my Brit fix. Very rich Characters and a strong cast. A very authentic look of what life was like in the 1800s and the difficulty of solving a crime.
Dexter: Based off the novels by Jeff Lindsay the series centers on Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a blood spatter pattern analyst for the fictional Miami Metro Police Department (based on the real life Miami-Dade Police Department) who also leads a secret life as a serial killer. Dexter has to find ways to interact and appear "human" while hiding his "dark passenger" as he calls his serial killer side. Original premier was October 2006, Dexter is now coming up on season 8 this year with one of my favorite people on the planet Sean Patrick Flanery! I'm so stoked!!! I really didn't think this would be my kind of show. The subject matter seemed a little to graphic for me so I stayed away from this series. But after hearing much praise (and the books are quite popular as well) I started season 1 and was immediately charmed by Dexter and how he navigates the world around him. Yes, there are homicides, violence and other serial killers, but it all seems background to watching Dexter evolve and challenge his way of life while he makes discoveries about himself that even he never thought possible. Just finished season 4 and it has been my favorite thus far! John Lithgow as Trinity was BRILLIANT! I am very invested in this series. Dexter is the ultimate Anti-Hero.
Doctor Who: THE RETURN OF THE DOCTOR!!!!!!! Series 7 Part 2 will finally be back March 30. Really is there anything else to say??? I have been watching Doctor Who since the 4th Doctor, Tom Baker. Oops! Did I kinda share my age there? No matter! My name is Samantha and I AM A WHOVIAN! Just a word of advice if for some strange reason you have stayed away from Doctor Who because you think one must start with the 1st Doctor, fear not! Every Doctor is different and each one has their OWN story to tell. But I do recommend you start with the reboot and 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston). You won't be disappointed, except when the series ends and you have wait a year (or more)...........Steven MOFFAT!!!
Check out these series and hey, if you have a TV series you want rave about please share! I`m always on the look out for good entertainment. Some of my favorite series only have one season. Firefly :(
Stay Shiny
By. Samantha
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