About Geek Circus

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Ontario, Canada
Our blog Geek Circus; Samantha & Dylan: Mother and Son team that mesh together their love/obsessions of Gaming, Comics,TV Series, Movies, Books, Collecting, Observations, Photos, T-shirts & Cats. Ramblings. Dylan: Artist,"Passionate" Gamer, Toy Collector, Storyteller, Aspiring Video/Photographer, 16 Dragonborn Paladin, Fanboy; Gamer videos. Samantha: Women geek out too! Journalistic tendencies. My writing has been geared towards Geek Culture, interests from my childhood influenced by 60s,70s,80s. What I enjoy the most about geek culture is meeting interesting people, and telling their stories. X-Files!!!!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Supernatural Season 8 - Rant

I don't even know what TV show this is that I have been viewing for the past few months. The cast looks familiar ( whats left of them). Some of the themes look familiar, oh and that CAR looks very familiar. Its actually the only thing I recognise about Supernatural. I have loved this show since 2005. I am so emotionally invested in the characters which is why I am so ANGRY!

WHAT.THE.F**K has gone wrong in season 8????? There were SO many things I was looking forward too in Season 8 (Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki especially).
-Dean went to Purgatory
-Meg in the hands of Crowley (such a devil)
-Sam on his own, completely ALONE

I could not wait for season 8 and the promising story lines to come! I even watched the past seasons on DVD this last summer, to relive those moments with Bobby and fill in the gap until October. Maybe that was my first mistake. Watching this amazing series from the beginning seeing the characters grow and evolve. Experiences that changed them, good or bad. The phenomenal acting, amazing supporting cast and stories that kept you glued and invested with this show.

This is the first season headed by Jeremy Carver as executive producer and show-runner. Apparently he has worked on the show for some time and has even written a few episodes. REALLY? Hard to tell Jeremy. Have YOU even WATCHED Supernatural???? 'Cause this season is complete CRAP! I don't even know where to start, because everything about this season has just been disappointing to me! Every time I watched an episode I told myself, the next one will be better. The NEXT ONE will BE BETTER. ITS NOT GETTING BETTER! IT SUCKS! The episodes seem rushed through and the storyline is so ridiculous. Hell-gates? Men of Letter? Nazis.....

-We should have started season 8 with Dean and Sam living their separate lives. Supernatural is at its best when the Boys are trying to find (or fight) their way back to each other.....
-The flash backs are ridiculous! I am SOOOOOOOO tired of Dean and/or Sam randomly staring off into space for what seems like FOREVER, so we know what they "last year".
-And Dean. We love him because he is so damaged, emotional, devoted, angry, and sad. Now he is just ANGRY all the time. Dean blames Sam for moving on, when he did the same thing after he thought Sam was actually gone in Season 6. (Brilliant season)
-Than we go from extreme angry Dean to him being a complete moron. Making stupid jokes with REALLY bad punch lines. Dean has become a parody of what he was. And that just makes ME angry and very sad. Its AWFUL!! A beautiful character is being ruined right before our eyes!
-Sam. When he has flash backs he just looks stunned and slightly constipated. Stop with that sad stupid look Sam! Stop going on and on and on about how YOU will be out of the family business when the Gates of Hell are closed forever. You say that, like almost every episode! I am so filled with RAGE....
-AND where in the Hell is MEG????
-Crowley has no cheeky spark. I use to look forever to Crowley scenes. Not any more.
-Purgatory could have been so awesome! For 2 seasons we were teased about the In-between of Heaven and Hell. A Monster's soul goes there after it dies. And that's about it! Oh and the colours are muted. Cool. I expected Dean to take over Purgatory. Even run into "friendly" monsters. Well one. Benny.
-Thank the GODDESS we got to see Garth again! And how about bringing in MORE of the past recurring characters that didn't die? The Boys need some familiar faces,( Sheriff Jody Mills?) And maybe Sam and Dean will stop bitching at each other. The constant fighting is getting REALLY OLD.
-Castiel. What have they done to you? He isn't lovable crazy and he is not the old Cas. Where is the banter between Dean and Cas that everyone loves SO MUCH?  For that matter, where did ALL their personalities go? And so far I have yet to understand what Castiel's storyline even is this season!
-Obviously with the death of Bobby, who I believe was not only a staple to Sam and Dean lives but the shows anchor, something has disappeared.
-The whole Kevin thing. I don't even care. Yes, I am a bitch.
-And really Amanda Tapping, do you have to be in EVERY show filmed in British Colombia?? Do you? DO YOU???
-And what's this nonsense about John Winchester being a "Men of Letters"? Yes, lets give this gigantic revelation, with their Paternal Grandfather 1 episode. REALLY??? That's quite a bombshell! Dean and Sam are so important to mankind, but we will just down play it ;)
-Nazis. Seriously, Nazis. Not just that BUT necromancer Nazis. When did Hell Boy come into this?
-This season just goes from completely annoying to ludicrous!
-Sam is just so annoying!! Bring back soul-less Sam!! At least HE was entertaining!
-And I guess Jeremy Carver felt we needed some rehashed story lines form season 5. remember when the Boys just keep wanting to sacrifice themselves for each other? No Jeremy Carver, that was excellent writing and character development which is very obviously something you know nothing about.
-I love Dean "nesting". He deserves some peace life. I really enjoy the implication that Dean sleeps in the nude! That and the return of Felicia Day in episode 11 'LARP and the Real Girl' are the only things to make me happy thus far.

-And where is Meg? Sorry did I mention that already? Its because I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO MEG!!!

PLEASE SOMEONE get rid of Jeremy and who ever else is DESTROYING what Supernatural is or in this case has been! You are insulting the FANS who are completely devoted to this show. I feel like the whole cast is being embarrassed by the story telling this season. And it really is an incredibly talented cast! the story telling has been epic and its a shame Supernatural has NEVER been acknowledged as a first rate TV series by various award shows.

Supernatural has been renewed for season 9 and Misha Collins will be a cast regular (about time). As an ever devoted Fan Girl, I hope we get back to strong writing and incredible storytelling for season 9. Or at least hopefully have it make sense!
By. Samantha (Geek Circus)

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